Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If Twitter was there in 1945

@sutansjahrir: Just heard the news at BBC. Japan surrenders themselves to Alliances. W00t!
@wikana: @sutansjahrir - SRSLY?
@darwis: @sutansjahrir - Yea. Heard it too @ BBC. Kewl.
@sutansjahrir: @wikana - Yep. Tune your radio to BBC.

@wikana: Just heard the news at BBC. T3H NEWS. W00T!
@darwis: That atomic bomb should be helluva gigantic huge.

@chaerulsaleh: @wikana @sutansjahrir - Yep. Just now.
@chaerulsaleh: @sutansjahrir @wikana @darwis - Check your DM. Got something to tell ya.
@darwis: @chaerulsaleh - Net is suck here. Will check the DM later.
@sutansjahrir: @chaerulsaleh - Have read your DM. Anybody following @soekarno here?
@wikana: @sutansjahrir - Got @hatta at my friends list. Will do?

@darwis: Okay. Back online with much better connection :D
@maeda: Waiting for news from Tokyo
@hatta: Whoa. The news is surprising.

@darwis: @sutansjahrir @chaerulsaleh @wikana - Whoa whoa guys. Should we talk to @maeda first?

@darwis: The Net is pretty suck here. Maybe because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Meh.

@wikana: Welcoming @soekarno. Hello good sir :)
@maeda: @darwis - I heard my name being mentioned. What happened? *popped in*

@soekarno: "To be or not to be. That is the question."

@soekarno: @wikana - Hello to you too :)
@wikana: @soekarno - Could you check your DM sir? Some urgent stuffs here.
@soekarno: @wikana - Haz replied your DM. Thanks.
@darwis: @maeda - We might need some of your help.
@maeda: @darwis - Anytime dude.
@wikana: @soekarno - Pray for me, good sir. Was that your final answer?

@wikana: Some stuffs need to be done. Fast.

@soekarno: @wikana - Yes.

@hatta: The press is going crazy.
@maeda: Why I feel such a bad feeling today?

@hatta: @maeda - Hi there. You okay?

@chaerulsaleh: Swift as the wind.
@maeda: @hatta - Yes :) Thanks for the concern.

@maeda: Offline. Tons of things to do.

@sutansjahrir: @maeda - Bye *waves*

@sutansjahrir: "Do or do not, there is no try."
@hatta: I think bad feeling is contagious. Somehow I feel uneasy too :|
@hatta: Off now. Need to take rest.
@soekarno: Sleepy. Off now.

@sutansjahrir: @chaerulsaleh @wikana @darwis - Check your DM again guys.
@chaerulsaleh: @sutansjahrir - Have read it. OK.

@wikana: Final decision. Tonight.

@darwis: @sutansjahrir - Right-o.

@soekarno: Online. On my way to Rengasdengklok.
@hatta: Going to Rengasdengklok. Good grief, are these guys never sleep? *yawns*
@soekarno: Wee-hours trip with kids. Wow-zie.
@wikana: Rengasdengklok. Hot debate.
@sutansjahrir: Mr. Ahmad Subarjo is here!
@darwis: I think I just saw flying tables...

@wikana: @darwis - Nobody is throwing tables.
@darwis: @wikana - How did you know? :P
@wikana: @darwis - Because I sit right beside you. That's why. And I see the whole thing.
@chaerulsaleh: @wikana @darwis - Good grief you guys.
@sutansjahrir: @wikana @darwis @chaerulsaleh - We sit in the same table yet WE TWEET WITH EACH OTHER?
@soekarno: @sutansjahrir @wikana @darwis @chaerulsaleh - Hi guys :D

@hatta: Sleepy...
@hatta: The meeting is adjourned. Now we are wondering where we could continue the meeting.
@wikana: Anybody got house that we could go barge in for a meeting? Anybody?
@maeda: Just woke up. The whole gank was in front of me.

@darwis: @maeda - Terribly sorry sir. We need your house for a meeting.

@maeda: Apparently this is the meaning of 'bad feeling' that I got this morning :|

@sutansjahrir: Apparently @maeda haz nice house.
@hatta: Another person coming in. Mr. Nishimura.
@soekarno: Good grief. Another heated up debate.
@maeda: I hate for being in the middle :|
@hatta: ... And I thought being independent is a right for humankind...
@maeda: *yawns* 
@soekarno: Would somebody please hand me some bricks to throw?

@hatta: Typing the stuffs down. With @soekarno, @sayutimelik and some other guys.
@soekarno: The text is being typed by @sayutimelik and I need some good coffee now. Thanks.
@hatta: I'm signing history right now.
@soekarno: Completely amazed. Wow. Just wow.
@maeda: Oh. it finished already. Goodie. Breakfast, anyone?
@soekarno: @maeda - Hey, thank you very much :)
@hatta: So. Ikada? Naaah, didn't think so :|
@soekarno: ... And now my house is going to be a part of history.
@soekarno: Need to ask my wife to find the flag that she made several days ago. @fatmawati, have you woke up yet?
@hatta: OTW to @soekarno's house.
@soekarno: A little bit lunatic at my house :|
@soekarno: Going giddy about reading a thing that would change this nation's history forever.

@hatta: @soekarno - Hey, you can do it.

@soekarno: Feeling instant pride deep inside. I will never get tired of it. "Proklamasi..."
@hatta: You know that feeling of pride and awesomeness? Yeah, I'm on it now.

@wikana: @soekarno - WHOAH! CONGRATULATIONS!
@darwis: @soekarno @hatta - GOOD WORK! CONGRATS!
@chaerulsaleh: FREEDOM! FREEDOM FOR ALL!
@sutansjahrir: Just screamed out loud "FREEDOM!" outside. As Archimedes said it, "EUREKA!"
@soekarno: Still humming 'Indonesia Raya'

Thanks to Wikipedia for the information :)
(me: thanks too to Tumblr for the information from Wiki :D)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Macam-macam jenis "sakit perut"

Kali ini Ladybug akan mempostkan macam-macam jenis "sakit perut" jangan salah.. Sakit perut juga ada jenis-jenisnya.
Tapi, jenis-jenisnya hanya ada 4 yaitu:

1. Jenis sakit perut yang pertama adalah sakit perut yang diakibatkan karena terlalu kenyang. Biasanya sakit perut ini melanda kita saat sesudah makan makanan yang banyak~ Biasanya sakit perut ini ada hubungannya sama jenis sakit perut yang ke3 nanti hehe :)

2. Jenis sakit perut yang kedua adalah kebalikan dari yang pertama~ yaitu sakit perut yang diakibatkan karena tidak makan dan sakit perut ini menimbulkan penyakit mag yang dapat menjadi akut kalau tidak diperhatikan :) (saya punya penyakit mag lho!~ tapi untunglah tidak akut :D)

3. Jenis sakit perut yang ketiga adalah sakit perut karena mau BAB (Buang Air Besar) ada hubungannya kan sama jenis sakit perut yang pertama? Huekekekek tapi jenis sakit perut yang ketiga ini hampir sama dengan jenis sakit perut yang keempat~

4. Jenis sakit perut yang keempat adalah sakit perut karena masuk angin. Hampir sama kan dengan yang ketiga? Hanya saja kalau yang keempat ini, hanya mengeluarkan gas alamiah yang dihasilkan perut bukan "Air Besar" nya hehehehe~

Semoga post ini bermanfaat bagi kalian yang membacanya :D
Saya hanya ingin berbagi ilmu mengenai "sakit perut" ini hehe -w-

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kejadian Di Bulan Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum :D~

Kali ini Ladybug akan membahas masalah kejadian atau peristiwa yang hanya ada di bulan Rama?dhan..
Banyak peristiwa khusus yang sebenarnya patut kita rindukan karena peristiwa ini hanya akan terjadi 1x dalam setahun~ Itupun jarang kita temui lagi di tahun yang berikutnya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yah.. itupun kalau kita punya usia ya hehe -w-v

Inilah beberapa kejadiannya~
1. Saat bulan Ramadhan kita bisa belajar sabar~ contohnya saya ini lho ehehe.. biasanya kalo di rumah saya sering berantem sama kakak sampe pukul-pukulan tapi sekarang kalo ada masalah kecil saya(Ladybug) dan kakak saya cuma kata-kataan kecil doang hehe..
2. Kalo lagi sholat taraweh di masjid waktu kecil paling cuma sholat 4 rakaat wkwk (itu saya kalau waktu kecil tapi sekarang saya sudah sholat sampai selesai kok .__.)
3. Kalo lagi sholat taraweh di masjid biasanya banyak anak kecil-kecil pada gak bisa diem.. Ada yang jalan-jalan kesana kemari nginjek-nginjek sajadah orang yang lagi sholat =_= ada yang jajan seenaknya aja.. ada yang nangis gara-gara ditinggal mamanya sholat -__- hadeeh pokoknya berisik deh kayak TPA
4. Kalo lagi sholat taraweh di masjid, waktu selesai baca surat Al-Fatihah anak-anak kecil maupun anak-anak labil dari yang cowok sampe yang cewek pasti teriak dengan suara lantang, "AMIIIIIIIIIIIN!!" sadis.. suara mereka emang gak ada duanya .__.
5. Saat bulan Ramadhan kita bisa ngerasain sekitar 12 jam jadi orang miskin yang makannya pas-pasan bahkan sampai tidak makan :)
6. Saat bulan Ramadhan biasanya ada PPT~ (iklan banget wkwk ._.v)

Mungkin cukup segitu dulu hehe..
Saya bingung mau ngetik apa lagi hehe -__-v

Selamat Puasaaa!! Mari kita bersama-sama sesama muslim menuju kemenangan :D